Grateful for Allah's Blessings

So,here is a short story about blessings of Allah. 

I saw a beggar sitting in a particular sunny spot on my way back from university. He had neither hands nor feet and many flies were sitting on him, but he couldn't shoo them away. After a while, I realized that he couldn't speak or hear either. He was sitting there to beg, but he couldn't even make a sound.

I kept looking at him and wondering why I couldn't be in his place. Why am I not there instead of him? I have never done anything to deserve my current state, so why not me? Why didn't Allah make me the most oppressed person in the world like him? He could have made me that way, but He didn't.

Even if I spend my whole life in prayer, I still wouldn't be able to thank Him enough. Allah has given me everything - hands, feet, eyes, ears - everything. He could have deprived me of all of these things, but instead He keeps giving me blessings upon blessings, despite my disobedience and shortcomings.

After all this mercy and kindness, why shouldn't I be grateful? These eyes that allow me to see, this tongue that allows me to speak, and these hands that allow me to pray - why shouldn't I be grateful for every single blessing that Allah has given me? And the best way to express gratitude is to start thanking Him from today.